RfB - Referenzinstitut für Bioanalytik
Nattermannallee 1
Building S 19
50829 Cologne
email: info (at) dgkl-rfb.de
Web: www.rfb.bio
RfB - these three letters stand for the Reference Institute for Bioanalytics, one of the two German ring test organizations that have been officially commissioned by the Federal Medical Association to carry out round robin tests for external quality control.
RfB's range of products includes 90 different ring test systems in the entire field of laboratory medicine.
The participants come not only from Germany, but from all over the world. For this reason, all round tests are available in two languages. The conduct of RfB's round robin tests is largely web-based, i.e. the ordering, transmission of results, evaluation and transmission of results and certificates are carried out via the RfB web portal.
In order to ensure quality, RfB employees actively participate in training courses for doctors and MTLAs and present results and new developments at national and international conferences and trade fairs.
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