
Room for the

Development area, source of innovation and communication platform — BioCampus Cologne offers space for high-tech companies from all sectors of the future. A diverse and flexible range of spaces provides space for research & development of innovative products and services through to direct implementation in the production phase.

space for...


With more than 30,000 m² of floor space, BioCampus Cologne offers the ideal development space for innovative companies: from the first premises of a start-up, to the expanded areas of a growing medium-sized company, to new building concepts for a globally active company. Collegial closeness is particularly relevant, as all players in the innovation process come together. Research, development and production take place next door to each other.


Knowledge, technology and entrepreneurial spirit for future industries in one place. Here, international and global market leaders operate in good proximity with innovative startups and ambitious SMEs. BioCampus Cologne sees itself not only as a provider of modern and tailor-made infrastructure, but also as an intermediary for interdisciplinary exchange. The platform for the interaction of professional expertise, financial partners and networks is constantly being expanded.


By merging science and industry, BioCampus Cologne has a clear locational advantage. Here, companies can not only expand and expand their business, the technological diversity of local companies also offers opportunities to develop completely new business areas. The central location in the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan area, extensive expansion areas for new construction projects and a unique community make BioCampus Cologne an ideal location for innovative technologies.


Settlement fields such as life sciences, healthcare, digitalization, engineering, chemistry, energy and mobility form a technology-open diversity in an exceptional ecosystem. An open innovation approach creates an ideal environment for interdisciplinary collaboration. The BioCampus also provides access to the diverse scientific landscape in the Rhineland. In the medium term, other scientific institutions should also be located directly on site.


Diversity of technologies


Companies from various fields of technology operate on the BioCampus. The immense potential for substantive synergies through interdisciplinary work is available for solving complex technological issues.

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